Monday, August 17, 2015

Triplets on your phone

Would you like to see Kyle and Meegan's babies on live video? We hope to do a simple smartphone broadcast from the hospital, perhaps Saturday or Sunday this weekend.

We will use an app called Periscope that lets us post a live streaming video that an invited audience can watch. Viewers can tune in during the broadcast to watch live and post questions or comments. A recorded version will be available for 24 hours after the live session.

We'll have Kyle do his tour of their nests in the NICU and provide some up-close looks at Avery, Beau and Quinn in their incubators -- or in someone's loving arms.

If you want to watch and participate, you will need to do two things:
  • Install the Periscope app on your iPhone or Android phone. There are links at or click here for iPhone or here for Android.
  • Find and follow Ric Manning. Click the Group icon in the lower right corner of the app, then use the window in the upper left corder to search. When you find Ric, click Follow. This is where the broadcast will take place. Our viewers need to be "followers" so we can restrict the audience to only people we know. We don't want to make this a public event.
Here's a quick primer on how to use Periscope. Download and install the app before this weekend. You'll get a notification on your phone before the broadcast. We'll also send email once we find the best day and time. You can send Ric an email or text message if you have difficulty with the app and he'll try to help. If this works well, we will do more broadcasts in the future. We know you want to keep up with The Triples and this seems like a good way to share.

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